7 Exciting Upcoming Twin Cities Aviation Events (2024)

The chance to network with like-minded individuals, learn about exciting industry topics, find out what the future holds for you as a pilot –there’s an event in the Twin Cities for anyone who’s interested in the world of aviation. From student pilots to experienced CFIs, airline executives and aviation enthusiasts of all types, Minneapolis/St. Paul has a variety of upcoming events that offer adrenaline-fueled fun.

So, if you’re looking for fun events in Twin Cities aviation, keep reading to see what’s happening around your community.

1) AirExpo 2019

Date: July 13-14, 2019

Location: Flying Cloud Airport

More Information: https://www.wotn.org/airexpo

This year, Minnesota’s number one aviation event is located at Flying Cloud Airport –AirExpo 2019. More than 50 aircraft from the World War II era, as well as a wide variety of modern aircraft, fly in for this two-day aviation event this July weekend. Plus, event-goers can meet with heroes from Vietnam, the Space Shuttle program and more. There are also plenty of food and beverage vendors, kids’ activities, and fun displays that are perfect for the whole family.

2) Minnesota Aviation Career Education Camp

Date: July 14-20, 2019

Location: Air National Guard Base at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport

More Information: https://www.mnacecamp.org

The Minnesota Aviation Career Education Camp has taken place every summer for nearly three decades. In partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT), this week-long camp was founded to promote aviation education at a critical time in a student’s academic life: at 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade level, when they’re trying to identify the ideal future career path. The end goal is to help students make their ideas tangible and set forth a career trajectory plan through guided mentorship.

3) Young Eagles Rally

Date: August 10, 2019

Location: Lake Elmo Airport

More Information: http://www.eaa54.org/events.php

Head to Lake Elmo Airport on August 10 for a monthly Young Eagles Rally. Boys and girls ages eight through 17 can take an introductory flight for free and find out what it’s like to take the controls of an airplane. If you can’t make this event –don’t worry – more Young Eagle Flights, hosted by EAA Chapter 54, occur on the second Saturday of the month until October at Lake Elmo airport and start again in March of 2020.

4) Minneapolis, MN Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC)

Date: September 7-8, 2019

Location: Courtyard By Marriott

More Information: https://www.aviationseminars.com

Those that are already seasoned pilots may have an insightful experience at the upcoming Flight Instructor Refresher Course in downtown Minneapolis. This FAA-approved course offers a live classroom setting for pilots to renew their Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) license. Participants discuss required topics, the latest changes to the aviation industry and training techniques that every CFI needs to know. At the end of the course, Aviation Seminars will process your FAA renewal application that will renew your CFI certificate, saving you time from mailing or having to visit a local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO).

5) AAAE General Aviation Conference

Date: September 8-10, 2019

Location: Hilton Minneapolis Downtown

More Information: https://www.aaae.org/aaae/GeneralAviationConference/Default.aspx

The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) is this year’s host of the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) General Aviation Conference. This annual meeting, open to industry stakeholders of all types, focuses on the most challenging issues facing general aviation today. Attendees can participate in a robust agenda of informative sessions, with highly respected speakers from throughout the general aviation community, discussing topics from airport safety, federal funding and regulatory issues, local government relations, business efficiency and more.

6) STOL Demo Fly-In at Crystal Airport

Date: September 14, 2019

Location: Crystal Airport

More Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1315514755318608

Participate in a short takeoff and landing (STOL) demonstration at Crystal Airport this September 14. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 237, planes can do two cycles off 600’ of 06-24 sod, and any pilot that plane can safely operate in these conditions is welcome to fly. Later in the day, a Young Eagles flight takes place, along with a cookout, static aircraft display, muscle car show and vendor exhibitions.

7) Girls in Aviation

Date: September 21, 2019

Location: Flying Cloud Airport

More Information: https://www.starsofthenorth.org/girls-in-aviation-day.html#

On September 21, head to Flying Cloud Airport for the Girls in Aviation event, founded by Women in Aviation International (WAI). To support their goal of increasing female participation and enthusiasm for aviation, this free event offers related educational activities for girls ages eight to 17. Activities are centered around physics, riveting, airspace and meteorology, and lead by passionate industry and military leaders. Exhibitors and universities are on-site to provide higher-education and career information, and attendees get first-hand access to a variety of airplanes including a historical P-51 Mustang, T-6 Texan to Canadair Regional Jet and Cirrus SR-22 aircraft.

Are You Ready to Explore These Amazing Twin Cities Aviation Events?

Contact Inflight Pilot Training today and gain the freedom to fly to any of these aviation events in and around the Twin Cities. Whether you want to go through the entire private pilot training process, refresh a certification or go after a new certification, our team of flight instructors will help you accomplish your goals.

For additional information on Inflight training programs, contact us today or call (952) 698-3000.

7 Exciting Upcoming Twin Cities Aviation Events (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.