Baby is Born!! So unexpected - September 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Baby is Born!! So unexpected - September 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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Hi y’all, still drowsy from the drugs but wow. He’s here. 33w 4d. I had placenta previa that resolved but still low lying. Had a bleed this morning at 4 am. Came in to get checked. Couldn’t stop contracting. Passed out a few times. And had a c section at 12:03. Wow. My husband couldn’t even make it in time because he had to find someone to watch our daughter and dog! He’s here with me now and I am recovering. Baby is doing good in the Nicu but I could use some words of encouragement from fellow Nicu moms. I haven’t seen him yet. Wow crazy day.

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Wow! Sounds like you had a pretty wild day. Congratulations on your boy! So glad to hear you both are doing well and recovering! Praying you both continue a smooth recovery and that he’s in your arms cuddling soon! ��

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WOW, what a story. Congratulations!

Glad that baby is doing well.

Was that your first bleed from your previa or did you have any prior to that?

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I had a bleed at 16 weeks and really wasn’t expecting another one. My placenta was 2cm away as of today. It was still too risky for vagin*l delivery since I was bleeding and my blood pressure kept dropping.

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Congrats mama he is beautiful �� Hope you both are doing well!

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You did it, Mama! This is definitely not how people imagine their birth going, but you got through it and made it out healthy with a beautiful baby boy. I can imagine how hard it is to have baby separated from you, but remember that he’s in good hands and so are you. Focus on recovering so you can be in the best shape to care for your babies. Congratulations! Sending you lots of love ❤️

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oh my goodness!! Congratulations! And what a journey, hope you both are doing so well!!

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Congrats!! I had my 1st son at 34 weeks from severe preclampsia, he was taken immediately to nicu and because I had magnesium I couldn't get up unassisted and only saw him for less than 5 minutes before being wheeled to my room and I didn't get to see him until it was 24 hours and I was off the magnesium and could walk on my own. It's not easy but I was so exhausted from everything that time really flew. He spent 3 weeks there mostly learning to eat. It was hard, but it also honestly gave me some time to recover myself. He's almost 4 and doing great! You got this, 33w and 4 days the baby should be in a good place!

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thank you for your message. Yah I’m trying not to rush getting up. Taking my time. I pumped probably 7ml of colostrum already for him so hopefully that helps bond

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That's awesome you already got that much! When you are visiting you can also ask for a pump there so you can pump while you are holding him or just watching him. I found it to be very helpful.

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NICU babies are hard but they progress quickly and before you know if that sweet baby will be in your arms. Take advantage and rest and heal while you can. Congratulations Mama!

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Baby is Born!! So unexpected - September 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (69)


Oh my goodness! So glad you both are okay��

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NICU RN ����‍♀️ 33 weekers typically do pretty well. They’ll monitor your little guys blood sugars as a precaution and his NICU stay should likely consist on working on feeding and getting bigger ☺️

How much did he weigh??

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he was actually really big! 5lbs 6.4oz. I had been measuring ahead so I think I was 34 weeks something. But my dr kept the due date there because of my cycle.

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He looks amazing! It'll probably be a short stay just to make sure he holds temp and feeds ok.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.