Chocolate Island Blox Fruits (2025)

1. Sea of Treats | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

  • Cake Guard · Peanut Scout · Cookie Crafter · Peanut President

  • The Sea of Treats is a set of 5 islands located in the Third Sea, which was added in Update 17. This island is where players can receive quests when they are at least Lv. 2075. After this island, the player can leave to sail to the Tiki Outpost at Lv. 2450. The Cake Scientist (needed for unlocking the Dough Raid) is located in the largest building at Cake Land, in the left room. The NPC named drip_mama will take you on a quest to kill 500 NPCs in Cake Land to spawn Cake Prince; the place he spaw

Sea of Treats | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

2. Cocoa Warrior | Blox Fruits Wiki

  • Cocoa Warriors are Lv. 2300 Enemies, located at Chocolate Land, Third Sea. These enemies use Aura which means Elemental-immunity is not available, ...

  • Cocoa Warriors are Lv. 2300 Enemies, located at Chocolate Land, Third Sea. These enemies use Aura which means Elemental-immunity is not available, aside from Aura they do not use any fruit or skill, making them ideal for grinding with Buddha. They have a respawn time of 30 seconds. Chocolate Quest Giver 1 Level Required: 2300 Description: Defeat 8 Cocoa Warriors Reward: 14,500 115,000,000 EXP Around 1,250 Around 100,000 EXP Conjured Cocoa (Not guaranteed) They are close to each other and quest g

Cocoa Warrior | Blox Fruits Wiki

3. Chocolate Island | Fandom - Blox Fruits Wiki

  • Blox Fruits Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

  • What is that little door with the clock above it?

Chocolate Island | Fandom - Blox Fruits Wiki

4. Where Is Chocolate Island in Blox Fruits? - Playbite

Where Is Chocolate Island in Blox Fruits? - Playbite

5. Chocolate Bar Battler | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

  • The Chocolate Bar Battlers are level 2325 Enemies added in Update 17.3. These enemies are located at the Chocolate Land in the Third Sea.

  • The Chocolate Bar Battlers are level 2325 Enemies added in Update 17.3. These enemies are located at the Chocolate Land in the Third Sea. Level Requirement: 2325 14,700 122,000,000 EXP They do not have any fruit abilities, though they use Aura. It is recommended to farm these NPCS with Buddha, as they have a quick respawn time of around 30 seconds making them ideal for grinding. They can drop a Conjured Cocoa along with the Cocoa Warriors. There are 6 of these NPCs at the Chocolate Land.

Chocolate Bar Battler | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

6. Where is Chocolate Island in Blox Fruits? - Playbite

  • 7 days ago · Ahoy, matey! Chocolate Island is located in the Third Sea, near the Cocoa Village. Happy hunting!

  • Ahoy, matey! Chocolate Island is located in the Third Sea, near the Cocoa Village. Happy hunting!

Where is Chocolate Island in Blox Fruits? - Playbite

7. Sweet Crafter | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

  • The Sweet Crafter is located near the center of Chocolate Land, the sub-island of Sea of Treats. Trivia. If the player does not have the required items, ...

  • The Sweet Crafter is a Miscellaneous NPC added in Update 17.3. This NPC sells the Sweet Chalice in exchange for 10 Conjured Cocoa and a God's Chalice. The Sweet Crafter is located near the center of Chocolate Land, the sub-island of Sea of Treats. If the player does not have the required items, he will say "Where are the items?".

Sweet Crafter | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

8. Blox Fruits: How to Get Cocoa - Alphr

  • May 10, 2023 · How to Find Cocoa in Blox Fruits · Board a boat in the Seat of Treats. · Make your way to Chocolate Island. The easiest way to find the island is ...

  • Much of your Blox Fruits gameplay is about farming items. One you might be struggling to find is Conjured Cocoa. You can use it to unlock legendary raids

Blox Fruits: How to Get Cocoa - Alphr

9. I just now noticed.. | Fandom - Blox Fruits Wiki

  • Oct 2, 2022 · However, I think that instead of focusing on the clock in the room, we need to keep our eye on the click at Chocolate Island, since the fact ...

  • So, as most of us know, Axiore made a video on…

I just now noticed.. | Fandom - Blox Fruits Wiki

10. How To Get Conjured Cocoa in Blox Fruits Roblox - The Nerd Stash

  • Mar 15, 2024 · Get to a high enough level to fight Level 2300 enemies · Travel to the Sea of Treats · Go to Chocolate Island · Defeat Chocolate Bar Battlers and ...

  • Chocolate is a dessert best served with cutlasses and magic. Here's how to get Conjured Cocoa in Blox Fruits.

How To Get Conjured Cocoa in Blox Fruits Roblox - The Nerd Stash

11. Sweet Chalice - Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

  • Head over to Chocolate Land (Third Sea) and talk to the Sweet Crafter. In exchange for the requirements: God's Chalice, and 10x Conjured Cocoa, he will give you ...

  • The Sweet Chalice (also known as Cake Chalice) can be used to spawn Dough King, an awakened version of Cake Prince. Head over to Chocolate Land (Third Sea) and talk to the Sweet Crafter. In exchange for the requirements: God's Chalice, and 10x Conjured Cocoa, he will give you the Sweet Chalice. This item can be used to spawn Dough King (Raid Boss) by interacting with drip_mama after 500 enemies on Cake Land has been defeated. If the player with the Sweet Chalice dies, the chalice will disappear

Sweet Chalice - Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

12. Blox Fruits islands in order - NPC levels and bosses - VideoGamer

  • May 8, 2024 · Third Sea Islands and Quests · Port Town · Hydra Island · Great Tree · Floating Turtle · Mansion · Castle on the Sea · Haunted Castle · Sea of Treats.

  • Tackle every island and bosses with our Blox Fruits islands in order guide. Find out NPC levels, bosses and level requirements.

Blox Fruits islands in order - NPC levels and bosses - VideoGamer

13. Cake Scientist - Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

  • The Cake Scientist is a Misc. NPC that was added in Update 17 Part 2. To access the Cake Scientist's room, the player needs to get a Red Key, ...

  • The Cake Scientist is a Misc. NPC that was added in Update 17 Part 2. To access the Cake Scientist's room, the player needs to get a Red Key, which is a guaranteed drop of Dough King. After obtaining the key, the player must walk to the door to the Cake Scientist's room with the key equipped. After unlocking the door using the Red Key, the player can talk to him and he will thank them with the choice of buying the Advanced Raid Chip of Dough for either 1,000 or a physical fruit that costs over 1

Cake Scientist - Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

14. How to Get to Chocolate Island in Blox Fruits - Gamer Journalist

  • Sep 19, 2022 · Believe it or not, getting to the Chocolate Island really is as easy as getting into a speedboat and driving there. If you're having difficulty ...


How to Get to Chocolate Island in Blox Fruits - Gamer Journalist

15. Candy Rebel | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

  • ... Chocolate sub-area of the Sea of Treats, found in the Third Sea. They are the 13th enemies to farm in the island, with a respawn time of around 30 seconds ...

  • The Candy Rebels are level 2375 Enemies, found in the Chocolate sub-area of the Sea of Treats, found in the Third Sea. They are the 13th enemies to farm in the island, with a respawn time of around 30 seconds. They use Combat melee hits, but do not use it's moves. They also have Aura, allowing them to bypass Elemental immunity. Level Required: 2375 Description: Defeat 8 Candy Rebels Rewards: 127,500,000 EXP 14,900 These enemies are packed together quite closely, which makes them much easier to g

Candy Rebel | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom
Chocolate Island Blox Fruits (2025)


Where is chocolate land in Blox Fruits? ›

Look for Chocolate Land in the Third Sea. It's a tasty adventure waiting to be discovered!

Which NPC drops conjured cocoa? ›

You'll need to defeat the Cake Prince NPC to get Conjured Cocoa. Cake Prince drops it. Get ready for a fight! From my experience, the Cake Prince is your guy for Conjured Cocoa!

What level do you leave Sea of Treats? ›

This island is where players can receive quests when they are at least Lv. 2075. After this island, the player can leave to sail to the Tiki Outpost at Lv. 2450.

What does a red key do? ›

The Red Key Unlocks All the Hellcat Power

Having two different keys allows owners of SRT vehicles to use the power-limiting function for less-experienced drivers. It's also a preventative tool for times when the car is left with a valet or at a parking garage.

Where can I farm cocoa Blox fruit? ›

How to Find Cocoa in Blox Fruits
  • Board a boat in the Seat of Treats.
  • Make your way to Chocolate Island. The easiest way to find the island is to look for a block of land with a huge tree. ...
  • Defeat an NPC whose level is at least 2,300. Anything lower than that, and you'll waste your time.
May 10, 2023

Where is cocoa Warriors in Blox fruits? ›

Cocoa Warriors are Lv. 2300 Enemies, located at Chocolate Land, Third Sea.

Is conjured cocoa rare? ›

Conjured Cocoa in Blox Fruits is pretty rare! You can only get it from the Cake Prince boss, which spawns every 30 minutes, but it's not a guaranteed drop.

What does drip mama do in Blox Fruits? ›

drip_mama (also known as Jeffery) is an NPC, added in Update 17, Part 2. This NPC allows the player to see how many more enemies they need to defeat in order to start a Cake Prince/Dough King raid.

How to get Godhuman in Blox Fruits? ›

To get God Human in Blox Fruits, you'll need 400 mastery in Dragon Talon, Superhuman, Death Step, Electic Claw, and Sharkman Karate. Gather your materials. You'll need the following materials: 20 Fish Tails, 20 Magma Ore, 10 Dragon Scales, and 10 Mystic Droplets, as well as $5,000,000 and 5,000 fragments.

Where are Cocoa Warriors located? ›

Cocoa Warriors are Lv. 2300 Enemies, located at Chocolate Land, Third Sea.

What sea is candy land in Blox fruits? ›

The Candy Cane Land is the last sub-island in the Sea of Treats.

Where does Cake Prince spawn? ›

"A dimension has spawned."

The Cake Prince is a Raid Boss located in the Dimensional Shift inside of the Cake Land, a sub-island of the Sea of Treats which is a group of islands located in the Third Sea. This Raid Boss was added in Update 17.2. You can find the door near drip_mama right behind the house.


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.